Bolt Action features over a dozen playable factions, representing the diverse forces of World War II. This page briefly outlines some of the most popular, and tells you what you can expect from them on the tabletop. As you grow your collection, you’ll have access to more and more specialised units, allowing you to field exactly the kind of army you want! The Armies of… book series and the Warlord Games App give you everything you need to organise your collection into a powerful fighting force. The only question is… which will you choose?

Armies of The United States


American forces are some of the most flexible and versatile in all of Bolt Action, capable of taking on almost any challenge with great ‘all-rounder’ units like the M4 Sherman, while specialist units like Rangers and Paratroopers can be deployed to seize crucial objectives or battle even the most hardened enemies.

Field the might of the United States with the most legendary units and formations of the war – whether battling for control of Pacific islands with the Marine Corps, dropping into France with the Airborne divisions, or storming the beaches of Normandy with the Rangers. With a vast range of units at your disposal, you can build an American force exactly the way you want it!

US Army Ranger bolt action
This US Ranger is ready to lead the way!
German Army grenadier bolt action
Rifle at the ready, this German Grenadier advances into battle.

Armies of Germany


German forces are able to deploy some of the very strongest units in Bolt Action, from die-hard Fallschirmjäger paratroopers to fearsome rocket artillery, and the infamous Tiger tank. Supporting these legendary units is a huge cast of squads, teams, and vehicles, allowing you to create a German force capable of achieving any mission.


Wield the power of the Wehrmacht, from half-track-mounted Panzergrenadiers to stubborn Fallschirmjäger and elite Gebirgsjäger mountain troops, all across Europe. Whether on the offensive in France and Russia, or digging in to defend Germany itself, German forces offer enormous customisability.

Armies of Great Britain & The Commonwealth


British forces pair determined, reliable infantry with elite special forces units and powerful artillery to achieve their objectives, even in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. Supporting the ‘Tommies’ is a broad variety of armoured vehicles like the Cromwell and Churchill tanks, specialist units, and unique weapons teams, all working together to win victory.


The British Army is ready for your orders! Recruit highly trained Commandos, Chindit jungle-fighters, courageous Airborne, disciplined Guardsmen, and a huge range of supporting units to your cause, and create a British force tailored to your exact style and preference.

British Army late war bolt action
Shouting orders, this British Sergeant levels his submachine gun!
Japanese army bolt action
BANZAI! A Japanese infantryman charges into the fray.

Armies of Japan


Japanese forces specialise in daring, aggressive attacks, striking across the table to get to grips with the foe. Their legendary Banzai charges are supported by a highly motivated and incredibly brave collection of infantry units, light tanks, artillery, and weapons teams, all capable of joining in the assault in the name of the Emperor.


With the might of both the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy at your disposal, you have everything you need to create a force capable of sweeping across the Pacific, driving the enemy before them. Whether you prefer all-out attack or a more tactical offensive plan, you can build your Japanese force exactly the way you want.

Armies of The Soviet Union


Soviet forces can field enormous numbers of troops, charging forwards with grim determination to overwhelm the enemy. Backed up by powerful tanks, including the legendary T-34 and monstrous IS-2, and with all manner of support units such as elite Sniper Teams and vitriolic Commissars, a Soviet force can tackle any obstacle before it.


From the open steppe grassland to the shattered ruins of Stalingrad, and the very gates of Berlin, control the most iconic and powerful troops of the Soviet Union. Fanatical NKVD, die- hard Naval Brigade squads, and much more stand ready to fight, allowing you to create a Soviet force to perfectly suit your style.

Soviet Army bolt action
With Molotov Cocktail in hand, this Soviet infantryman is ready for a fight!
Italian Army infantry bolt action
An Italian soldier blazes away with his Beretta Model 38 submachine gun!

Armies of Italy


Italian forces can be built to excel in attack or defence, fielding a great mixture of well-trained and motivated infantry who can charge forward to take key positions, or dig in stubbornly to hold onto them. Backed up by armour, artillery, and highly skilled specialist infantry squads, an Italian force has excellent tactical flexibility on the battlefield.


With the elite Bersaglieri light infantry, Alpini mountaineers, and Paracadutisti airborne troops at your disposal, alongside Blackshirt fanatics and hardy colonial infantry, all supported by Semovente assault guns and Carro Armato tanks, an Italian force can be customised to perform to your exact specifications. Italian forces can even be fielded on both sides of the conflict!

Other Axis & Allied Nations

The war doesn’t end there! With even more nations to choose from, including France, Poland, Hungary, Finland, Belgium, and Partisan forces from around the world, no matter how you want to play Bolt Action, we’ve got you covered!
bolt action minor nations
These are just some of the further nations awaiting your orders!
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Build an army in the palm of your hand! The Warlord Games app is the fastest way to build your Bolt Action forces. With points, rules reference, and automatic list validation at your fingertips, there is no easier way to prepare for battle! You can even export your PDF army lists and print them out. Sign up now for a 7-day FREE trial!

Watch Bolt action Being Played

See Bolt Action – in action! Watch this awesome video to see a run-through of the missions from the Field Manual!
Warlord Games Ltd 2024